Tag Archives: healthy lifestyle

11 Steps to a Healthier YOU starts TODAY!!

I recently spoke at a Women’s Empowerment Conference and afterwards had conversations with some of the attendees. One conversation in particular had a profound effect on me. The lady shared with me some  of her struggles through the years with being overweight. She has subsequently developed several common chronic lifestyle related diseases. She stated she is tired of taking so many medications but just can’t seem to make the necessary changes to lose weight so that she can get healthier.

What really tugged at my heartstrings was when she said that she had just about given up hope of getting better. (Just the fact that she was sharing this with me let me know that not all hope was gone-she was reaching out for help!) My heart immediately reached back out to her to encourage her and let her know that there IS hope! I told her that if she was ready to make changes, then she would need a trustworthy plan that’s easy to follow.  She also needed someone to help keep her uplifted, motivated, and accountable. She needed someone to help keep her on track!

Well, she was ready and we got started with her plan the very next day! She emailed me a week later to let me know that with just a few lifestyle changes she has already lost 10 pounds (No I am not starving her, nor did I recommend any weight loss pills!). And we are just getting started! I’m looking forward to seeing her transformation over the next several weeks as she learns to adopt more healthful lifestyle behaviors.

You may be able to identify with the lady’s story.  You’re not alone!  If you have been struggling with making healthy lifestyle changes take courage. I have good news that may help and I’m SO EXCITED to share it with you! What is it? Honey, I’m GLAD you asked! My new eBook, CROWN TO SOLE Wellness Action Guide, is completed and I want you to have it. I think you’re going to love it!

My easy to read Action Guide will walk you through 11 steps and share some simple suggestions to help you get started with developing healthy lifestyle behaviors. (It has some cool graphics too!)

This has been a labor of love because I want to help you achieve wellness from the CROWN of your head TO the SOLE of your foot (and that includes mind, body and soul). And guess what else y’all?! (yep, I’m a southern girl) Right now I’m offering the guide to you ABSOLUTELY FREE!!! That’s right- FREE!!!

So, go ahead and click the box below to download your CROWN TO SOLE Wellness Action Guide. Do it TODAY! (and please tell your friends to get theirs also so you can get healthy together!) Also, leave a comment to let me know what actions you find most beneficial.

If you need to take it a step further go ahead and contact me so we can determine your next best step.  I look forward to hearing from you and sharing in your success!