Category Archives: heart disease

What’s on your plate? Consider these 5 Foods to help combat Heart Disease.

I’m one of those people who really don’t like to take medications if I can avoid it. We don’t always like to take medication but sometimes we just don’t know how else to deal with our health issues. Have you ever wondered what you could do to help reduce your need for medications?

Perhaps you have been to your doctor and along with giving you a prescription for pills, he or she told you that “you need to eat better.” When I was a new physician I would advise my patients to adopt a “healthier diet” and thought I had done a good thing. BUT…As I gained more experience and started learning how to change my own way of eating I realized that just saying “adopt a healthier diet” really didn’t mean much if they didn’t know what constituted a healthful diet. People need “real talk” and real suggestions. I KNOW I DID! In previous posts I shared risk factors of heart disease and also warning signs of heart disease/heart attacks. In this post I want to share with you 5 foods that may help you combat heart disease.

This list includes suggestions from the book “Fighting Disease With Food” by Family Home Christian Books.

1) Grapes – they work to maintain blood vessel health, decrease inflammation in the arteries, and help prevent blood clots.

2) Strawberries – neutralize free radicals, may help stop the progression of angina, may reduce the heart attack risk

3) Walnuts – help lower LDL cholesterol, improves health of artery linings, reduces risk of blood clots and heart attacks

4) Flaxseed – high in healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, may help prevent dangerous heart rhythms

5) Barley – high in fiber which helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol

Now, don’t misunderstand and think I am telling you to stop taking your medication and use these foods instead to treat your heart disease. But what I am suggesting is that as you start to make improvements in your diet and other lifestyle changes it is very possible that your body will respond in a way that may help to reduce your need for medication. So take a good look at your plate and see what you are loading on it. If they don’t include items from the above list you may want to add them to your grocery list and give them a try! Please leave me a comment and let me know what type of struggles you are having as it relates to your food selections.

If you don’t already have it please take a moment to download a FREE COPY of my CROWN TO SOLE Wellness Action Guide!