Category Archives: support

Circle of Strength: Embracing Sisterhood to Overcome Autoimmune Challenges

Dr. Karla and Dr. Carolyn

This past weekend was very special for me as I celebrated the beauty and value of good sisterhood relationships. I was invited to participate with one of my close sister friends on a panel in which we discussed what makes our bond so precious.

My panel partner is my dear friend and colleague, Dr. Carolyn Lightford. We developed a friendship that quickly evolved into a sister bond many years ago during our 3rd year of medical school. Our relationship deepened during our time together in the same Family Medicine Residency program.

Carolyn and I have shared so much during these past few decades. Together we have laughed, cried, studied, celebrated, complained, prayed, and encouraged one another. We have also served as each other’s physician! God allowed our paths to cross many years ago and we agree our bond is for life.

The same day of the sisterhood panel, I acknowledged a milestone with another group of special ladies. My sorority line sisters, Vivian, Karen, Cathy, Monya, (my sands) and I celebrated becoming members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 44 years ago.

Take Five – MuRho-Delta Sigma Theta

These ladies became my family during a time when I needed support, community, friendship, and positive influences. We became that for each other during our quest to become members of the sorority. Forty-four years later we are still connected. We live in different towns; however, the love remains.

During the panel discussion we shared some of the “Golden Rules” of friendship which include:

  1. Listening well
  2. Honesty
  3. Extending a shoulder to cry on
  4. Genuine interest in one another
  5. Loyalty
  6. Acceptance
  7. Love

When I became ill a few years ago with auto-immune disorders, these sisters were among those who prayed for me, checked on me, loved on me, and encouraged me on my journey to healing and recovery of health. My sisterfriends are important in my holistic wellness.

I grew up in a home with brothers; however, I have been blessed with precious “sisterfriend” relationships throughout my life. I don’t take them for granted and I am forever grateful. If you are blessed with special sisterfriends, reach out to them and let them know how much they mean to you. They can be “lifesavers”.

If you are struggling because of autoimmune disorders and ready to invest in yourself for a high-level of dedicated, personalized, 1 to 1 support in taking control of your health to thrive, I invite you to make an appointment with me for a free Overcome Autoimmunity Discovery sales call to see if and how I can help you.

Click HERE to schedule your appointment today!


Dr. Karla

My family

Who’s Got Your Back? “We All Need Somebody To Lean On!”

I was talking to my mom recently and during our conversation she mentioned how much she appreciated us [her children] calling and checking on her regularly. My dad passed away over three years ago, and while we all miss him, I’m sure she misses him most.

During this pandemic it has been especially tough on many of us, because of the isolation and sheltering in place. Many of the activities we have enjoyed in person have been curtailed or altered. I had been avoiding going to visit my mother because I didn’t want to put her or myself at risk if we carried the COVID-19 virus. HOWEVER, when my nephew called and told me mama was having some health challenges [not COVID related], I got on the road with a quickness to see about her! I knew that if she needed to be admitted for her ailment, that I would be the one that should stay with her. Fortunately, she did not have to be hospitalized. I decided (yes, I pulled rank on my mama) and told her she was coming back to my house with me for a little while. Actually, I asked her if she would like to come and spend some time with me and my family for a bit. She agreed and stayed with me for a week. I told her she could stay as long as she wanted, but after a week she was ready to go back to her own space and check on her home.

My mom would have done the same for me. When I became ill last year with autoimmune disorders [Check out the story in my book: Overcoming Autoimmunity-One Physician’s Step by Step Journey to Victory Over Her Chronic Illnesses] my mother, who doesn’t drive on the interstate, found a ride to my home [about 4 hours drive from hers] and showed up at my door with her suitcase packed in case she needed to stay and take care of me! (The picture above captures a moment of support when my family surprised me by showing up at my first speaking engagement after I was diagnosed with autoimmune disorders.)

I’m reminded of the song, Lean on Me” by Bill Withers. The lyrics read:

Sometimes in our lives we all have pain. We all have sorrow, But if we are wise we know that there’s always tomorrow. Lean on me, when you’re not strong. And I’ll be your friend. I’ll help you carry on. For it won’t be long ’til I’m gonna need somebody to lean on.

Please swallow your pride if I have things you need to borrow. For no one can fill those of your needs that you won’t let show.

You just call on me brother, when you need a hand. We all need somebody to lean on. I just might have a problem that you’ll understand. We all need somebody to lean on.

I’m so grateful for my family and others who allow me to lean on them when I need support. Who do you lean on when needed and who is able to lean on you? Be sure to let them know how much you appreciate them.

Speaking of support, I’m happy to let you know that I am here to assist you if you are ready to take control of your health to reclaim your energy and get relief from chronic pain. If you have been suffering from pain, inflammation, and fatigue due to autoimmune disorders or other chronic illnesses, let me help you end this last quarter of 2020 feeling great! How am I going to do that?

Honey, I’m glad you asked! My mission with CROWN TO SOLE Wellness is to encourage, empower, and equip women to take control of their health to create lifestyles of abundance, joy, and holistic wellness. I am currently opening space in my calendar for clients who are struggling to take control of their health and are ready to invest the time, money, and energy for private one-on-one coaching to help them reach their goals.

One of the areas we address in my “Jumpstart Your Autoimmune Bounce Back” 90 Day Private Coaching Program is the importance of getting the right help from others in pursuing your wellness goals. I’m always humbled and grateful when I am able to help someone make positive lifestyle changes to become healthy and feel great. Click HERE to learn more and schedule an appointment for a FREE DISCOVERY CALL to determine if and how I can help you!