Monthly Archives: September 2023

Your Mindset Matters. Renew Your Mind!


Have you ever personally experienced a broken spirit— perhaps due to sadness, grief, hurt, guilt, anxiety, or depression?

I will admit that I have…honestly, we probably all have at some point in our lives.

In Chapter 18 of the Book, Ministry of Healing, Ellen White writes, “The relation that exists between the mind and the body is very intimate.  When one is affected the other sympathizes.  The condition of the mind affects health to a far greater degree than many realize.  Many of the diseases from which men suffer are the result of mental depression.  Grief, anxiety, discontent, remorse, guilt, distrust, all tend to break down the life forces and to invite decay and death.”

Scientific literature tells us that unmanaged negative emotions can negatively affect the immune system- leading to more illness, whereas balanced positive emotions can help support the immune system and lead to wellness.

In that same Chapter in Ministry of Healing from which I quoted earlier Mrs. White writes, “Courage, hope, faith, sympathy, love, promote health and prolong life.  A contented mind, a cheerful spirit, is health to the body and strength to the soul.”


Romans 12:2 tells us “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,…”

PRACTICAL TIPS TO RENEW THE MIND – (*Please seek professional help as needed)

  1. Prayer  – Be specific
  2. Saturate your mind with scriptures of Who God is and who you are to Him
  3. Sing /listen to spiritual, inspirational songs
  4. Guard the avenues to your mind (What you see, hear, read)
  5. Rehearse your gratitude regularly– Write it down
  6. Practice taking captive your thoughts and understand that this is an ongoing process.

Thoughts become words, Words become actions, Actions become habits, Habits become your character, Character determines your Destiny


In my Overcome Autoimmunity private coaching program, my clients are empowered to renew their mindset to help them take control of their health.

If you are struggling with chronic illness such as autoimmune disorders and ready to invest in yourself for a high level of personalized support to reclaim your health, I invite you to schedule an appointment with me for a free Overcome Autoimmunity Discovery Call to see if and how I can help you. Click HERE to schedule your call today!

How to manage your chronic illness during family crises

Living well with a chronic illness such as an autoimmune disorder involves intention, attention, and self-care. But what happens to your routine when unexpected, potentially catastrophic, life events occur in your family?

Unfortunately, things don’t always go as planned and things can change in a moment. How do you keep your health from declining during these times?

Recently, my family experienced a sudden huge change in our home when my son suffered a major medical event. He was subsequently hospitalized for almost 3 weeks, including ICU and inpatient rehab.

Because my husband and I did not want to leave our son alone in the hospital in this vulnerable state, our temporary home became whatever hospital room our son was in for the duration of his hospitalization. (And I would do it the same way all over again!)

My major concern was to make sure my son was well taken care of; however, due to my autoimmune disorders, I also needed to continue to take care of myself to avoid a flare up.

I want to share a few tips that have helped me as our family adjusted to this medical crisis.

  1. Pray – From the moment I realized my son was having trouble I began praying a lot more. In addition to praying for him to be okay, I had to pray that I would not have panic attacks! I also asked for a lot of other people to pray for us! It has helped me to stay calm. (for the most part)
  2. Breathe – I have been practicing a lot of deep breathing exercises to help keep myself centered and not become overwhelmed. This helps to clear the mind and bring a sense of peace.
  3. Eat nutritious food – Because I was in a different environment from my home, I had to be intentional about the food I was eating to make sure I continued to eat in a way to support my health to stay well. So, I continued to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and drank a lot of water.
  4. Rest – My husband and I spent the nights in the hospital with our son but we would take turns during the day to go home for a few hours to freshen up and just allow ourselves to try to relax. Honestly, it was hard to relax at home because I felt I needed to be at the hospital.
  5. LET PEOPLE HELP YOU!!! Whew! I can’t emphasize this enough. Not everyone will be able to help you in the same way, and some people may not be able to do much at all for you. HOWEVER, there were people who were willing and able to do what they could to make the load a little easier for us. I am forever grateful for the different ways people showed their love for us. Support of your community is so valuable.

If you are a woman struggling with chronic illness such as autoimmune disorders and ready to invest in yourself for a high level of personalized support to reclaim your health, I invite you to make an appointment with me for a free Overcome Autoimmunity Discovery Call to see if and how I can help you!

Click HERE to schedule your call today! I look forward to speaking with you!

3 Reasons To Get Help With Your Chronic Illness

A few days ago I saw a fire truck pass my window and stop in front of a house across the street from my home. Shortly thereafter, an ambulance arrived to the same home.

I’m not sure of the exact nature of my neighbor’s emergency but it reminded me of how important it is to get timely, appropriate assistance when needed.

There are several reasons why we should invest in appropriate help when we are living with a chronic illness. Today I want to share 3 of those reasons.

  • Sometimes we don’t know what to do to help ourselves and someone with proven experience in how to take control of one’s health can make it easier for you to do so.
  • Appropriate assistance can help alleviate some of your fears surrounding your illness such as wondering if you can get better and live an abundant life.
  • Enlisting help can keep you accountable and boost your confidence in staying the course so you don’t give up on yourself.

These are just a few good reasons to reach out and get help in taking control of your health so you can fulfill your God-given purpose.

If you are a woman, struggling with chronic illness such as autoimmune disorders, and ready to invest in yourself for a high level of personalized support to bounce back, I invite you to make an appointment with me for a free “Overcome Autoimmunity” Discovery Call to see if and how I can help you.

Click HERE to schedule your call. I look forward to speaking with you!