Category Archives: wellness

Stay Encouraged! A Peek into my “31 Day-No (or very little) commercially processed foods” journey!

Almost a year ago I shared a blog post titled, “Start Now, Improve Later.” This is a phrase I heard a few years ago from one of my mentors and she continues to repeat this to her clients and mentees. Sometimes I get a little discouraged when something I’m trying to do takes longer than I think it should (or longer than I want it to take). And then there are the times when I’m trying to do something new or a little out of my comfort zone and I’m not quite satisfied with the results (probably because I’m comparing my results to someone else’s). It is during those times I can hear that phrase in my head: “Start now, Improve later.”

The blog post I wrote with that title shared my dislike for cooking but my desire to eat food that tastes good and is also healthful. (My food journey has been one of gradual change over the past twenty years or so of transitioning to eating less meat, then no red meat, later eliminating chicken, and about seven years ago I decided to eliminate fish and then dairy (for the most part). As much as I didn’t really want to cook, almost a year ago I decided to enroll in an online cooking course taught by another mentor and friend of mine. While my food didn’t look as “pretty” as my instructor’s, I still felt quite proud of myself for just stepping up and completing the class. Now, I didn’t become a gourmet cook or anything like that BUT…I became a little more comfortable with at least trying. One of my goals is to eat food that can be simply prepared but also tastes good and is nutritious. I’m trying to take care of this temple y’all!

So, fast forward almost a year later and a member in one of the Facebook groups I’m in issued “31 day, no processed foods” challenge. “Ooooh”, I thought, “Here’s my chance to work on another one of my goals” (of eating less commercially processed foods and more whole, plant-based fresh foods). I said YES to the challenge maybe a week or two before we were to start. During the time before we were to start, I had planned to do some meal planning and grocery shopping so I would be READY! Well, life just kept happening and it did not slow down enough for me to prepare like I wanted. (Or maybe I just kept procrastinating because I hate grocery shopping too and I didn’t feel like taking the time to plan the menus). Anyway, August 1st comes (start date) and I didn’t want to back out or put off doing the challenge so I had to just jump right in there…! Let me tell you, it has been an interesting experience so far and I’m actually enjoying it. My menus and recipes have been pretty basic and simple but I think my food tastes pretty good. (Well, there was that one time I tried to do something different with my sweet potatoes and I had to throw that mess away ’cause it was NASTY! and I didn’t even THINK of posting a picture- LOL!). I announced on Facebook that I was doing this challenge and started posting pictures of my meals. I had no idea how much just doing that would help keep me accountable because people actually started looking at what I was eating and even started asking me what I would be eating. So, now I’m thinking…”I can’t mess up….I’m in this thing now”. I’m a little over halfway finished with the challenge (I’m on day 20) but I plan to continue with some of the good habits I hope I’m forming. The feedback I have received from others is mostly encouraging. Hopefully,as a result of having done this challenge, it will help me to be even better equipped to serve others and give me even more resources to share with those who are on the journey to achieving “CROWN TO SOLE Wellness”. (I’ll give you a follow up report when the challenge is completed.)

Wherever you are in your journey toward being healthier (wanting to lose weight, getting more physically active, eating better) stay encouraged and don’t quit! “Start Now, Improve Later” and just keep moving forward. Don’t be afraid to get help. Get someone to help keep you accountable! You can do it! Love yourself and take care of that “Temple”!

As always, my mission is to encourage, empower, and equip individuals to take control of their health and create lives of joy, abundance and holistic wellness from the Crown of the Head to the Sole of the foot (that includes mind, body and spirit). Please leave me a comment and let me know what goals you are working on (and feel free to give me some good plant-based simple recipes that I can try).

P.S. I have opened up space in my calendar for a few more clients who are ready to take control of their health and invest in themselves by enrolling in my “Take Control of Your Health in 12 Weeks” private coaching experience. Make your appointment today for a free 30 minute Discovery Call with me so that we can determine if and how I can best help you!. I’m looking forward to hearing from you! CLICK HERE NOW TO MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT!

P.P.S. If you have not already received a copy of my FREE CROWN TO SOLE Wellness Action Guide, please complete the form below so I can send it to you and stay in touch with you!

Seven Tips for Managing Stress

Sometimes when I feel really stressed out, I think about the old Calgon commercial and just want to scream, “CALGON- TAKE ME AWAY!” We all have various stressors and different ways of coping with the many things that pull on us that make us feel like running away at times. You may not always be able to get away at the moments of intense stress; however, there are some simple practices you can incorporate into your lifestyle to help you manage the stress. I’ve mentioned some of these before but they are worth repeating. (Sometimes it takes a while to make it stick!)

1) Rest- Get a good night’s sleep each night (7-9 hours). Also schedule regular times for relaxation, meditation, and recreation.
2) Proper nutrition- Fresh fruits, Fresh vegetables, Whole grains, and nuts comprise a diet which helps build up your body and mind healthfully.
3) Regular exercise- Thirty minutes of brisk walking outdoors daily does a body good!
4) Water – Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. Daily hot and cold showers/baths help to soothe as well as invigorate you.
5) Avoid harmful substances such as caffeine, tobacco, and drinking alcohol.
6) Think positively. Practice gratitude. Find the good!
7) Connect with others who inspire you and seek to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

Practicing these habits may not change all of the outside forces that cause you stress; however, they can have a major positive effect in helping you to deal with what comes your way. Try it, you just might like it! And in the words of Bobby McFerrin; “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”! Leave me a comment and let me know some of the ways you cope with stress.

If you don’t already have your FREE copy of my CROWN TO SOLE Wellness Action Guide, go ahead and download it today by completing the form below:

What’s on your plate? Consider these 5 Foods to help combat Heart Disease.

I’m one of those people who really don’t like to take medications if I can avoid it. We don’t always like to take medication but sometimes we just don’t know how else to deal with our health issues. Have you ever wondered what you could do to help reduce your need for medications?

Perhaps you have been to your doctor and along with giving you a prescription for pills, he or she told you that “you need to eat better.” When I was a new physician I would advise my patients to adopt a “healthier diet” and thought I had done a good thing. BUT…As I gained more experience and started learning how to change my own way of eating I realized that just saying “adopt a healthier diet” really didn’t mean much if they didn’t know what constituted a healthful diet. People need “real talk” and real suggestions. I KNOW I DID! In previous posts I shared risk factors of heart disease and also warning signs of heart disease/heart attacks. In this post I want to share with you 5 foods that may help you combat heart disease.

This list includes suggestions from the book “Fighting Disease With Food” by Family Home Christian Books.

1) Grapes – they work to maintain blood vessel health, decrease inflammation in the arteries, and help prevent blood clots.

2) Strawberries – neutralize free radicals, may help stop the progression of angina, may reduce the heart attack risk

3) Walnuts – help lower LDL cholesterol, improves health of artery linings, reduces risk of blood clots and heart attacks

4) Flaxseed – high in healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, may help prevent dangerous heart rhythms

5) Barley – high in fiber which helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol

Now, don’t misunderstand and think I am telling you to stop taking your medication and use these foods instead to treat your heart disease. But what I am suggesting is that as you start to make improvements in your diet and other lifestyle changes it is very possible that your body will respond in a way that may help to reduce your need for medication. So take a good look at your plate and see what you are loading on it. If they don’t include items from the above list you may want to add them to your grocery list and give them a try! Please leave me a comment and let me know what type of struggles you are having as it relates to your food selections.

If you don’t already have it please take a moment to download a FREE COPY of my CROWN TO SOLE Wellness Action Guide!

Trust The Process and DON’T GIVE UP!

According to the calendar spring began on March 20; however, IT STILL FEELS LIKE WINTER where I live! We’ve had a few days when the weather was warmer but I’ve still been wearing my coat, hat, and gloves and it’s April. Just a few days ago (yes, in April…we had SNOW FLURRIES!) Just because it still FEELS like winter doesn’t mean that it’s not Springtime. Even though it is still cold, I know and trust that warmer weather is coming! I have faith and trust the process of the changing of the seasons.

What’s my point? Simply this. I just want to encourage you to have faith and trust the process when it comes to the changes you are making in your life, especially at it relates to taking control of your health. You may not see the results you are looking for immediately and it may even seem like you are not making progress but DON’T GIVE UP! Trust the process and keep taking inspired action toward your goals until you get there.

When I initially decided I wanted to “tone my body” I started doing some strength training. I initially did planks (see my previous post How to tone your body without moving a muscle!); but then I started lifting weights. But guess what?! I started by lifting a One-Pound Candle. I graduated from 1 pound to lifting a 3 pound weight, then 5 pounds, 10 pounds, (the most I’ve done is 20 lbs). I didn’t really see much progress at first but as I continued I started seeing more definition in my arm muscles. Yaaay me!

I’m going to be transparent and admit that I have slacked off some and haven’t been as consistent with the strength training BUT I’m determined to NOT GIVE UP on taking control of my health and pursuing other goals! I have decided to faithfully trust the process and keep moving forward. I have a few mentors, role models, and Accountability Partners helping me with my journey and they are instrumental in helping me stay on track.

Whatever your goals are, I want to encourage you to keep the faith and Trust the Process! Keep moving forward. Don’t be afraid to get help when you need it! (And don’t be discouraged when things seem to be moving slowly or you sometimes get off track!). Hang in there and just take it one day at a time. You can do it!

P.S. If you need help and someone to encourage, empower, and equip you to take control of your health and create a life of joy, abundance, and holistic wellness, then I invite you to click here to check my availability for scheduling your free 30 minute discovery call. During this call I will learn more about what your needs and goals are and we can determine if and how I may assist you!

Could you be having a Heart Attack? Some warning signs to know!

I recently shared a post about my childhood friend who had a heart attack when she was in her early to mid-fifties. (The Black Woman and Heart Disease: Some things you need to know!) I was pretty shook up about it but, thankfully, she survived and currently is doing well. It made me take a closer look at myself to check my own risks. I’m definitely more intentional about living my life on purpose.

Often we think of heart attacks affecting men. However, statistics show that each year approximately 50,000 African-American women die from cardiovascular diseases. Forty-nine percent of African-American women from the ages of 20 and older have heart diseases, yet only twenty percent of African-American women believe she is at risk personally. Heart disease is the African-American woman’s greatest health risk but only fifty-two percent of us are aware of the signs and symptoms of a heart attack.

So, Let’s break it down. What ARE some the signs and symptoms of a heart attack?
* Persistent Chest pain, pressure, or other discomfort/squeezing (however, women are more likely than men to experience a sharp and temporary chest pain)
* Pain may go to the neck, shoulders, or arms
* Lightheadedness/dizziness
* Fainting
* Sweating
* Nausea
* Shortness of Breath

Some other, less common warning signs that women are more likely to experience as compared to men are:
* Stomach or back pain
* Unexplained anxiety or nervousness, tiredness, or weakness
* Palpitations or heart racing, cold sweats, paleness
(And unfortunately some women don’t have any symptoms at all, hence the term “Silent Killer”)

Okay sister, I KNOW what you are probably thinking…especially if you are like me and experience some of these symptoms due to other “natural,mid-life” reasons. (Yeah, I’m talking about menopause/premenopause). You are wondering, Could I be having a heart attack or symptoms of heart disease? It’s true that these signs and symptoms could be due to other causes and illnesses BUT, just because you are a woman, I don’t want you to downplay the fact that it could be your heart. It’s important to be aware of your risk factors. (see my post The Black Woman and Heart Disease: Some things you need to know!) Don’t be afraid (or TOO BUSY) to get yourself checked out. Your family and the World need you and what you have to offer!

P.S. If you are ready to take control of your health and reduce your risk of heart disease and heart attack I currently have a few openings in my schedule for a free 30 minute discovery call to determine if and how I can help you. Go ahead and click here to claim one of these spots before they are gone!

The Black Woman and Heart Disease: Some things you need to know!

About two years ago I received a frightening and sobering phone call from my husband. He called to tell me that one of my childhood sisterfriends had suffered a heart attack and was hospitalized. At first I thought that perhaps he got the name mixed up or maybe it was my friend’s husband who had the heart attack. But no…. he had the correct information. It was my friend.

Well, I was at work and of course I could no longer concentrate. So I just shut my computer down and “hightailed it” on over to the hospital. I was fearful for my friend’s life and also concerned about her family and friends (including myself) if we were to lose her to this heart attack. What was so shocking is that she is fairly healthy. As far as I could tell she was not previously particularly prone to being sick. Fortunately, at the time of her attack, she was around some health care professionals who recognized she was in serious distress and they called for the paramedics. Upon her arrival at the hospital it didn’t take long for the personnel to do the necessary tests to determine what was going on. She was able to get the proper care in time to prevent more serious damage to her heart. I learned of her episode the following day after she was hospitalized. What a relief it was for me when I got to the hospital and saw her walking around with her signature “big, dimpled smile” on her face. “THANK YOU JESUS!” was my immediate thought.

She was truly blessed as it relates to recognition of her heart attack and the timeliness of her treatment; because, for women (and especially black/African-American women), that so often is NOT the case. Ann Taylor, M.D. of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland (as quoted in the book,”THE HEART OF THE MATTER”, by Hilton Hudson, II,M.D. and Herbert Stern, PH.D) states, “Black women have the highest death rate of heart disease and develop it at an earlier age than any other population in the United States.” (p. 164) Hudson and Stern also tell us, “African-American women who suffer a heart attack are one and a half times more likely to die from it than white women.” (page 165)

As a black woman, these facts resonate with me on a personal level and give me pause for concern for my health and the health of my sisters. I LOVE MYSELF and I LOVE (and need) MY SISTERS, so my question is: “What can we do to protect our hearts?” That’s your question too??? Girlfriend, I’m glad you asked! I’ll share some tips but first; here are the major risk factors that we as African-American women tend to more likely have as compared with white women: diabetes, high cholesterol, lack of exercise, and being overweight. Other risk factors include hypertension and chronic stress. Although some of these risk factors can be conditions that run in your family, they are also largely considered lifestyle related conditions as well.

Sisters learning together and supporting each other!

So….What do we do?
1) Make the choice to Take CONTROL of your health and your life.
2) Learn what you can about heart disease.(especially as it relates to black women)
3) Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor about your risk factors and how you can lower your risk of heart disease
4) If you have risk factors, understand that you have the power to make changes in the ones that are lifestyle related (YOU CAN DO THIS LADY!!!)
5) Learn to effectively deal with and manage your stress
6) Connect with people who can encourage & support you and share your interests
7) Don’t be too busy to share your concerns with your loved ones
8) Journaling is a good way to help relieve stress (I’ve started writing a gratitude journal)
9) Regularly take time to be good to yourself everyday, no matter how busy you are.

So ladies, let’s love on ourselves and take care of our hearts!

Hanging with my sisters!

P.S. My mission with CROWN TO SOLE Wellness is to encourage, empower, and equip women to take control of their health and create lives of joy, abundance, and holistic wellness through transformational lifestyle behaviors. I help women move from surviving to THRIVING! To check my availability for scheduling your free 30 minute DISCOVERY CALL to determine if and how I can help you please CLICK HERE!

P.P.S. If you haven’t already downloaded your Free Copy of my CROWN TO SOLE Wellness Action Guide, you can do it today by filling out the form below:

Joy On The Journey! I CHOOSE JOY! What do you choose?

For the year 2018 I decided to choose a personal theme word to remind myself of what I want to experience as I pursue my dreams, goals, purpose, and life of holistic wellness. JOY is my theme word for this year. While I know that life can and will present daily challenges, I realize that I am in CONTROL of how I CHOOSE to respond to whatever I may face.

I am CHOOSING to daily experience joy. Yeah, I know… Some things are easier said than done. That’s why I am making it a practice to start my day with prayer, meditation, and reflections of gratitude. (Gotta get my mind right before I start the hustle and bustle of the day.) I set the atmosphere by lighting my scented candle, listening to soothing, meditative music and then I feed my soul with scriptures and inspirational/uplifting readings. Journaling my gratitude has also become a part of my practice. Oh, yeah- I also found a couple of “Joy-themed” songs to end my morning routine.

A few days ago I was so excited to receive an email from “Faith Gateway” with the title; “2018 is your year to live with Joy.” HA! YES! Who told them? This was one email I was looking forward to reading. I had set the intention for JOY and so I chose to recognize this email as a sign from God to affirm me and help me on my “Joy Journey”. The author of the email, Candace Payne, stated: “Trust that God already knows what you need.”

I agree with Candace’s statement and I’m encouraging you to “Trust that God already knows what you need.” Jeremiah 29:11 states; “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

If you set the intention and step out in faith to realize your dreams and goals, God will open doors and opportunities for you to take “inspired action” (I borrowed that term from my mentor-Rosetta Thurman). James 1:2 tells us that even when you face trials and obstacles you should “count it all joy…knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

My desire and goal is to share from a heart of love and joy as I fulfill my mission of encouraging, empowering, and equipping individuals to take control of their health and create lives of joy, abundance, and holistic wellness. If you are ready to move forward with your lifestyle transformation to reclaim your health and need support, accountability, and trustworthy resources, I invite you to CLICK HERE to learn more about what I offer and schedule a FREE 30 minute discovery call so we can determine if my services are right for you. I’m looking forward to hearing from you! In the meantime, leave a comment and let me know if you have a personal theme word for 2018.

P.S. If you haven’t already received my gift to you go ahead and enter your information below so you can receive a copy of the FREE CROWN TO SOLE Wellness Action Guide and discover simple, practical strategies to help you start your lifestyle transformation! It is my love offering to you!

Transform your lifestyle and Create a Life of Joy, Abundance, and Holistic Wellness

When you get serious about making positive changes in your life it’s amazing how the Divine Spirit gives you signs and opens up resources to help you accomplish your goals. I’ve seen this happen for me over and over and sometimes I am just amazed. I don’t take these encounters and happenings for granted and I’m learning to always appreciate and be grateful. It reminds me that I am loved infinitely and here for a Divine Purpose.

Recently I had the pleasure of reconnecting in person with a lady whom I have grown to love, admire, and learn so much from through the years. Donna Green-Goodman and I met many years ago before we were married, before we had children, and when we were undergraduates in college. We both went on to work in health/wellness related fields and over the years our paths have crossed at different events and conferences. Several years ago when I was Director of Health Ministries at my church Donna graciously accepted my invitation to come and deliver workshop training and cooking classes for healthy lifestyle transformation. She was so inspirational as she shared her personal testimony of her lifestyle transformation and healing from breast cancer. (You can read her story in her book, SOMETHIN’ TO SHOUT ABOUT!, which also shares some great healthful recipes.)

Fast forward to my recent encounters with Donna which really got me motivated and excited. I like to eat BUT I don’t like to cook. I also try to be very intentional about what I eat and how it is prepared. Well, Donna is a great cook and has perfected some delicious plant-based recipes. She recently hosted an online cooking class and I JOINED! I set the intention and put myself out there (and paid for the classes) so I had to follow through. I’ll have to write more about my experience with the classes soon. She had me baking Hawaiian bread, making homemade soup, vegan quiche, and more. I was so proud of myself!! (My food didn’t look at pretty as hers did but it was still good though).

About a month or so after the class I took my son for a college tour which happened to be in the same city where Donna and her husband live and operate Lifestyle Therapeutix. When Donna found out I would be in town she invited me to her live monthly cooking demonstration and class. What a blessing and privilege that was for me. Now, I’m still not crazy about cooking, but Donna’s coaching and encouragement have motivated me to do it more often and equipped me with some great resources to assist me. (Featured image above is of me with my cooking instructor and coach, Donna)

Sometimes we have desires to make some changes to improve our lives but we need some assistance in the form of coaching, mentoring, and accountability. That was the assistance I received from Donna. Yeah, I could have probably done it on my own, but the truth of the matter is that I have A WHOLE LOT OF COOKBOOKS but they have just been sitting unopened for years. When I decided I was going to move forward with cooking more, I was able to follow through after I got a little assistance from someone who was able and willing to help me.

Perhaps you want and need to make some lifestyle changes for your health and wellness. You may even know what to do in theory BUT you are stuck in the same old pattern. If that sounds like you and you are ready to get “unstuck”, then I invite you to let me assist you. Please schedule a Free 30 minute discovery call with me so that we can determine if I am the one you need to coach and mentor you through your healthy lifestyle transformation with encouragement, accountability and trustworthy resources. CLICK HERE NOW to schedule your discovery call to determine if my Private 12 Week Wellness Lifestyle Transformation Coaching Program is right for you! I hope to hear from you soon!!

P.S. If you haven’t already done so, go ahead and download my FREE CROWN TO SOLE Wellness Action Guide (11 steps to a Healthier You).


I like to eat but I have never really liked to cook. When I was growing up I remember my dad enjoying the art of cooking. (His food was delicious but he would leave the kitchen a MESS and yes – one of us children would have to clean the kitchen – LOL!) Anyway, he thought I needed to learn how to cook so he would call me into the kitchen when he was preparing food so he could give me “cooking lessons”. He would be “into his zone” and I really wasn’t very interested. For me, cooking just took up too much time prepping and then you would have to watch the food so it wouldn’t burn, or stir something so it wouldn’t stick, etc. So, while he was getting all into the cooking thing, I would eventually slide back out of the kitchen and go into the den to watch TV or to my bedroom to read.

Actually, I did learn a thing or two but cooking just never really became a “thing” for me. Fast forward a few years and I became a wife! Thank God, I married a man who didn’t mind sharing the responsibilities of cooking. As a matter of fact, most of my friends and family know that my husband is the one who does most of the cooking in our home, so they don’t even expect it from me. At work when there is a birthday potluck I’m the one who quickly signs up to bring “chips and salsa”.

Although I don’t like to cook I’m very conscious about what I eat and how food is prepared. Over the years I have told myself and my husband that I was going to start cooking more because I wanted to eat a certain way and eat more whole foods and less commercially processed foods. Man, I have soooooo many cookbooks you would think I was some kind of gourmet chef- Hahaha!

Well, I guess the good Lord decided to help me out so I could make use of some of these cookbooks and give my husband, Terrence, a break from cooking after 31 years of marriage. My birthday was a couple of months ago and one of my gifts from some co-workers was an apron! (Yeah, my family laughed when they saw me model it for them.) Shortly after that a friend and mentor of mine announced that she was hosting an online cooking class. Her recipes are plant-based and that is how I try to eat. So I signed up for Donna Green-Goodman’s “Cooking Up Good Health” cooking class.

The first class session was more of an introduction to the class, some basic nutrition principles, and some healthful tips. A special feature included live interviews with two of the doctors who were featured in the Netflix documentary, “What the Health”. We cooked during the second class (well, actually they cooked and I just watched because I had not gone to the store to get all of the ingredients I needed). For the third session I made sure to have all the ingredients for the dishes (and I prepared the dishes for the second class prior to the third class). I was pumped and ready for the session so I could cook with my class but I was having technical difficulties getting into the link. It was a little frustrating and I almost gave up but then I decided to just go ahead and prepare the recipe, after all I CAN read, I thought. I finally connected with the class. We were preparing a vegan quiche recipe and were encouraged to share pictures of our finished dishes with the group. I was excited about mine until I saw pictures of the others! THEIRS LOOKED BETTER THAN MINE TO ME! LOL! I was almost embarrassed to post my pics but I did it anyway.

(My second quiche looked better than the first one but they both tasted good.)

For the last class we made Hawaiian rolls. I was trying to follow along with the class but then she told us to “sift” the flour. Hahaha–I’m like- shoot I don’t even have a sifter, so I just shook my flour around– I had to laugh at my self. I still don’t know if the yeast did what it was supposed do but I guess it didn’t completely because again, my food didn’t look like my instructor’s or my classmates.

(My rolls were a little on the flat side but my husband and son said they tasted good- they ate them up.)

My class is completed now and I’m doing a LITTLE more cooking than previously. The class was actually fun. I learned to not become discouraged and feel bad about my progress when I remembered that I was comparing my results to my instructor’s and she has been cooking AND teaching cooking classes for many years. She has had a lot of practice working out the kinks and was in a position to help us develop our skills. The more I practice the easier it will become.

It’s the same way with making changes to transform your lifestyle to create good health habits. Sometimes your efforts may seem clumsy and you may feel like you haven’t progressed as far along as the next person. However, the more you practice and stick with it the easier it becomes. Also, it is helpful to have appropriate support and direction along your journey. As my mentor and coach says; “Start now, Improve later!” I encourage you to go ahead and start now making changes for a healthy lifestyle and continue to improve as you move forward. Don’t be afraid to get the assistance and support that you need.

My mission with CROWN TO SOLE Wellness is to encourage, empower, and equip individuals to take control of their health and create lives of joy, abundance, and holistic wellness. If you are struggling with obesity, or a chronic illness like hypertension, diabetes, or arthritis and know that you need dedicated support and guidance through your lifestyle transformation, I’m inviting you to invest in yourself and receive 1-on-1 private mentoring and coaching with me. Please CLICK HERE to schedule a free 30 minute Discovery call to determine if this 12 Week Lifestyle Transformation Personal Coaching/Mentoring Program is just what you need! CLICK HERE NOW!
Also, if you haven’t done so already, be sure to download a FREE copy of the CROWN TO SOLE Wellness Action Guide by entering your name and email address below:

You can create a life of Joy, Abundance, and Holistic Wellness and MAKE IT STICK!

Today my husband and I went to an estate sale near where we live just to see if we could find something we could use at a good price. (Actually, I just wanted to see the property because my husband had already stopped by there and came home raving about this beautiful estate only about 1 mile from our home.)

The place was BEAUTIFUL and sat on about 34 acres of land. There were several other houses on the property which other family members had lived in over the years. We were curious about the previous owners and learned that the wife was fairly young- in her 50’s (YES! I’M CLAIMING 50’s AS YOUNG!!) when she passed away a year ago due to complications of cancer. The husband died about a week later from a heart attack. Now, the surviving family is ready to sell the property.

What struck my husband and me was the fact that as beautiful as the property and furnishings are, the owners were not able to take it with them when they died. We felt a little sad thinking about the wife’s passing and then the husband’s death so close behind hers. But what really struck me and caused me to remark to my husband is that we really need to enjoy and make the most of EVERY MOMENT of life. Whether we have much, or whether we have little, let’s resolve to live EACH DAY on purpose and in the purpose that God has for us.

I believe my purpose is to honor God with how I live. My mission is to use what I have learned professionally and personally to be a light to encourage, empower, and equip others to create lives of joy, abundance, and wellness according to the plan of our Creator.

CROWN TO SOLE Wellness was founded with that purpose in mind. I’m so excited to see how God is moving and opening doors for me to serve in this area as I continue to step forward in faith. It is so gratifying for me and such a blessing when someone shares with me how her lab “numbers were in the ‘real’ normal range” instead of the bordline diabetic range as a result of being motivated by some simple healthful strategies I had recommended. I was almost moved to tears of gratefulness to read the testimony of one woman who shared that she found what I shared to be “helpful, insightful, entertaining, and most of all inspiring.” She stated; “at the tender age of 67, I realized that it is never too late to take responsibility for your health, wellness, and well being.” She went on to say “Karla, thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing, and for caring!” WOW! All I can really say is, All the Glory belongs to GOD! I’m honored to be a vessel chosen to reach those God has for me to reach in a way that honors Him, serves others, and allows me to assist my husband in caring for our family.

While God has blessed me with several vehicles in which to serve with CROWN TO SOLE Wellness I am REALLY EXCITED about the coaching and mentoring program that I started developing several years ago and I will be launching the NEW & IMPROVED version in October, 2017. As I have continued to grow in my walk; my ability to assist you in creating your life of holistic wellness has grown. So BE ON THE LOOKOUT in the next couple of weeks for my formal announcement and the opportunity for you to invest in yourself by joining this Divinely Inspired Transformational Program. In the meantime, if you haven’t already done so PLEASE sign up for your FREE CROWN TO SOLE Wellness Action Guide. This will allow you to be able to be among the 1st ones to have an opportunity to be a part of this lifestyle transformational experience starting in October, 2017. Click HERE to receive your guide.

You are also welcome to join my Free Facebook CROWN TO SOLE Wellness Village by clicking HERE to request permission to join.

P.S. Don’t forget to be on the lookout in the next few days for my big formal announcement!