Monthly Archives: August 2024

The Role of Love In Holistic Wellness

One of the concepts I share with my coaching clients who want to reclaim their heath and thrive, is to embrace love as the guiding force for their lives. Often, when we are dealing with chronic illnesses and auto-immune flares, we can become discouraged, feel bad about ourselves, and not want to be around others.

Our thoughts can become negative and we may blame God, blame ourselves, and blame other people for whatever role that we perceive they have played in causing us pain.

However, as we operate from a place of love, it can help promote our healing. Hate destroys while love builds. I encourage you to love God. Love yourself. Love others.

Sharing and showing love can take many different forms and I am reminded of recent gathering that brought some of my family together in bonds of love.

Last month my paternal uncle Wilfred celebrated his 80th birthday. This uncle is my dad’s youngest brother and one of only 2 of my dad’s 11 siblings who are still living. My father passed away a few years ago.

Earlier this year, several of us nieces and nephews floated the idea of coming together to help our uncle celebrate this special milestone birthday. We all live in different cities and states, mostly in the south, and my uncle lives in Las Vegas, Nevada. We knew it would not likely be possible for his older sister, who is in her 90’s, to travel to be there; however, the next generations (nieces, nephews, children, grandchildren) could do our part to make his celebration a time for family togetherness and love. I’m so grateful my husband, sons, and I were able to take this trip together.

WHAT A WONDERFUL TIME WE HAD! Some of my cousins I had not seen for many years, and some I met for the first time. The love was there and I believe it did us all a world of good. Many hugs and smiles were shared. This intentional celebration did a lot for me in my journey to healing of mind, body, and spirit. I believe everyone who was in attendance had their spirits lifted. My brother, Kevin, who is very close to my uncle, shared with me, “I’ve never seen uncle this happy!” It makes me feel good to know we made him happy! He has shown his love for us through the years.

If you are harboring unforgiveness and/or hatred in your heart, it may be interfering with your healing process. Ask God to help you release those burdens and give you a heart of love for Him, yourself, and for other people.

For those of you struggling with chronic illness, such as autoimmune disorders, and ready to invest in yourself for a high level of personalized support in taking control of your health, I invite you to schedule a call with me for a free Overcome Autoimmunity Discovery Call to see if and how I can help you! Click HERE to schedule your call or email me. I look forward to speaking with you.


Dr. Karla