Five Tips to Maintain Balance when you feel like you have to be Superwoman!

One of my Facebook friends recently posted a status update in which she asked the question; “Ever had one of those days where you had so much to do that you did NOTHING?” Boy, could I relate to THAT! I know I’m not the only one.

It seems that the people who are actively involved in “stuff” (and are good at what they do) end up with more and more “stuff” on their list of responsibilities and things to do. (And I’m learning that a lot of times people will just sit back and watch you do it while they chill.) Juggling responsibilities of being wife, mommy, daughter, sister, friend, employee and/or entrepreneur, church member, board member, community activist,…you get the idea… can oftentimes become overwhelming and exhausting. Sometimes I feel like just screaming, “BUT WHAT ABOUT ME!!!”

There are so many things I WANT to do but I can’t seem to get to them because there are so many things I feel I HAVE to do. I’m not really sure what would happen if I didn’t do some of these “HAVE TO DO” things but I think we often put too much unnecessary pressure on ourselves to do “stuff”. Consequently, we can end up being counterproductive and resenting some of these activities we feel driven to do because we haven’t taken the time to take care of ourselves. Can somebody say “burnout“?

I want to share 5 tips to help you maintain balance. I’m learning to incorporate these strategies into my lifestyle so that I can achieve my goal of CROWN TO SOLE Wellness.

1) Realize that you are NOT Superwoman and it’s okay to let some stuff go sometimes. (My laundry has yet to be put away BUT the clothes are clean, so I’m good….I’ll get to it later…Or maybe I really need to get rid of some of these clothes anyway.)

2) Simplify things-Tackle some tasks bit by bit or small chunks at a time.

3) Make a schedule and prioritize what’s really important for the day or the week.(You may not get to everything on the schedule but it will help you to see where you are trying to go and make necessary adjustments.) Include relaxation and play time!

4) Take some time to meditate and pray before starting your day. Matthew 6:33 says “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

5) Get help when you need it! You really DON’T have to do it all by yourself. Learn to accept that some things may not always get done the way you want it but that’s okay too! (for some things)

Bonus Tip: Say NO when you have to and RELEASE THE GUILT! I’m just saying! I just recently relinquished the duties from a position that I held for a couple of years when I realized that my new assistant was doing a great job and I started feeling like I was holding her back. I was so relieved when we had the conversation that allowed me the peace of mind to step down gracefully and recommend her for the position! Hallelujah! While I appreciated the opportunity to serve, I realized it was time to pass the torch so the organization could grow to new heights. My not having that responsibility any longer is allowing me the freedom to pursue some other passions.

If you are feeling overwhelmed and your Superwoman Cape is feeling a little too tight….Girl, take that thing OFF so you can breathe and enjoy life. Strive to maintain self-Control and balance so that you can serve your loved ones and the purpose that God has for you to the fullest!
(The image featured above is of my husband and me on a much needed vacation. I’m already looking forward to the next one!)

Please feel free to comment and share some tips that you have found for successfully achieving balance in your life! Also, if you have not yet downloaded a copy of my free CROWN TO SOLE Wellness Action Guide please get yours today!

11 thoughts on “Five Tips to Maintain Balance when you feel like you have to be Superwoman!

  1. Thank you for the great reminders with concise points. Yes, it is often the case that an individual tends to expect too much from herself when she is only a human being. We need self compassion so that we can be kind to ourselves and move on. Let’s slow down, sit back and reflect!

  2. I’m am to stay balanced by being realistic with my time and staying on task. When you stop kidding yourself about all that can be done in a short period of time you discover how you can really be productive and not overwhelmed.


  3. For me, once I tackle a job it’s do or die! No slowing down till it’s done! Now when I was younger that worked out well, but now that I’m older I forget that being so gung-ho takes Energy! So now I have to learn to slow down and pace myself! I’m taking these tips and running- well, maybe I’ll walk. At any rate thank you Karla for the tips!!!!

  4. Numbers 1 and 5 apply to me and I have learned to let go and ask for help when needed and not feel guilty. Thanks for the tips, I may print these out to help me remember them when I am feeling overwhelmed. I was unable to get the free guide. Thanks again.

    1. Harolyn, You are so welcome! We all need help at some point. Let me troubleshoot and see if I can figure out why you weren’t able to access the free guide.

  5. Everything you said is correct. It’s ok to say no sometimes and also to understand we can’t do everything. Balance is very important.

  6. I love to have something to do, but I have no interest in being so busy that I can’t make time for things I love. I have learned balance is key to most things. I am at a point in my life where it is just me and my 20 year old son – I have plenty of time for myself! Sometimes being too busy allows us to be distracted from what we really need – self love. Now I remain true to myself. I allow myself to say no. I only say yes to things I really want to do and that will bring me joy. Thank you for sharing your tips Dr. Karla!

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