Lessons From My MARTA Train Ride!

Recently I attended the Happy Black Woman Launch Your Business Bootcamp 2016 Live Event in Atlanta, Georgia. In order for me to save money my brother allowed me to stay at his place which is about a ten or fifteen minute drive from the event venue.

The first day of the conference my brother drove me to the event hotel on his way to work and then came back to pick me up at the end of the day. I appreciated this so much because I really don’t like to drive and the traffic in Atlanta was just a little bit stressful for me. However, my brother had to leave town for the rest of the weekend soooooo… I had to figure out the best way for me to travel to the conference and back to his place (remember I’m trying to save money also). My brother suggested that I could just take the train. We don’t have that type of system in place where I live so I was a teeny-bit, (or maybe more than a teeny-bit) afraid of having to negotiate that alone. I thought about driving but I really didn’t want to have to drive from his place into downtown Atlanta (traffic woes) and THEN have to pay for parking. My choices were: 1) stay at his place out of fear- but that made no sense because I came to Atlanta for the conference; 2) Drive and be stuck in traffic and pay $18-$20 dollars to park; or 3) Put my big girl clothes on, face the fear and get on that train for the price of a $6.00 round trip MARTA ticket. I’m so glad I packed my “big girl clothes” because I chose option three!

Negotiating this train ride was a confidence building feat for me. My brother had shown me the train station nearest to his home and where my stop would be closest to the hotel. He told me the approximate price of the ticket and that I could park at the station at no cost, but he wasn’t sure of the schedule other than the trains didn’t run as often on the weekends. Okay, Got it! There were a few details left out but I figured…How hard could it be??

Well, I got to the station early in the morning but there was not much activity and I only saw one man in the parking lot sweeping. I asked the gentleman what I needed to do to catch the train to go downtown. He said, “Just go in there and scan your MARTA card.”
Me: “But I don’t have a card. Where do I get the card?” The man: “Just go down there and park and go over there and buy you a card.” I’m thinking, Oooookaaaay, I’ll do just that but still not really seeing where he was talking about “down there” and “over there”. Anyway, I drove “down there” and parked my car. Then I walked “over there” thinking I would see a ticket counter where I could purchase my ticket and ask instructions at an information desk about what train I needed to board. HA! NO information desk or information specialist in sight! NO “ticket counter” in sight! There was an automated KIOSK to purchase the ticket (but I didn’t even know that’s what I was looking at or how to use it!). Thank God there were two people standing there but neither of them looked like they worked there, nor did they look like they were trying to catch the train. Perhaps they were waiting for someone to pick them up but they were not traveling together. I asked what I needed to do to get a ticket for the train. The man standing there didn’t know but there was a “little old lady” there and the man suggested that maybe the lady could show me how to use the kiosk. I don’t know if you have ever seen an angel before but at least one of them looks like a “little old white lady wearing a headscarf”! This lady so graciously operated the kiosk for me (and politely turned away when it was time for me to enter my PIN for my debit card). She also advised me to make sure I kept my receipt because “sometimes those MARTA cards don’t work right.” I think God sent an Angel in human form just when I needed one!
MARTA TicketMARTA Banner
So, now I have my ticket but I don’t see or hear any trains! Again I had to ask for help. “Where do I catch the train?” I was pointed in the direction of the escalators leading to where the passengers board the trains. As I followed the directions and started walking in the direction to which I was pointed I started seeing a few signs that let me know where I needed to be to board the correct train. Other people started showing up as well to catch the train. The monitors near the train tracks kept us informed of when we could expect the train. I started feeling better now that I had successfully navigated that much of the journey, but I still had yet to be ON THE TRAIN. It was cold that morning as I waited but finally the train came and I was able to take my seat headed toward downtown Atlanta. There were several stops along the way as others got on and off the train. Finally, I reached my designated stop and then walked about a block or so to the conference site. Success! (And the conference was GREAT!) On my return train ride I was less fearful and didn’t have to ask any questions as I made it safely back to my car.
Karla at Train StationMARTA Train station

What I learned and what I want to share with you is this:
1) We all need help at some point in our lives.
2) Don’t be afraid to ask others for help.
3) Don’t let fear keep you from your dreams. My mentor reminds us that sometimes “Fear means Go”!
4) You may not have all the answers right away but as you start taking steps, other steps unfold.
5) Keep moving forward and celebrate the small victories until you reach your goals.

What are your dreams and goals? Don’t be afraid to get help when you need it. Start making steps towards your goals and don’t let fear of not knowing everything right away keep you stuck where you are. Some of you may be overwhelmed because you are struggling with chronic lifestyle related health issues such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and arthritis and need help with knowing how to take control of your health holistically. I would be happy to see if I can be of assistance to you. If you haven’t done so already, go ahead and download your FREE copy of my CROWN TO SOLE Wellness Action Guide by entering your information in the form below! Hope to hear from you soon!

6 thoughts on “Lessons From My MARTA Train Ride!

  1. What an awsome share! I have struggles 28th with public speaking…but my confidence is growing daily. We never really know what our fears are until we have to face them!!!

    1. You are right Anita! Best wishes with your public speaking. I’ve found that the more I do it the easier it becomes. (Can still be intimidating though!)

  2. Your posts are so wonderful. I certainly understand about having to move out of your comfort zone. My mom used to say a close mouth don’t get fed. Scripture also states we have not cause we ask not. I have chronic health issues as you know. Really trying to try different ways and things to get better. It’s all in God’s hands. Love you much my sister friend.

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