Sometimes I have dreams that are really crazy and don’t make any sense to me. Other times I have dreams that I forget as soon as I wake up. But every now and then I have dreams that say with me. I’m convinced that God still uses dreams to communicate with His people just like He did with people in the Bible.
Just recently I had such a dream. Some of the details I don’t fully remember but the messages I received are very clear to me. (I’ll get to that a little later.) During my dream I was at a church to witness the baptism of a friend’s child. Shortly after the service I was eating a gummy bear candy (strange for me, I know) which got stuck in my throat. I started to choke. Although I couldn’t feel the candy in my throat I kept trying to cough to clear my throat. However, my cough was weak and I felt like I wasn’t getting enough air in my body. I started to look around for help just in case I needed someone to do the Heimlich maneuver but I couldn’t find anyone. Panic started to set in! “Maybe I will have to just do the Heimlich on myself”, I thought. I couldn’t figure out why my cough was so weak when I couldn’t feel anything in my throat. As my cough got weaker in my dream I woke up and turned over from lying on my stomach to lying on my back. It wasn’t until I woke up and turned over that I realized that the way I was lying down either my hand or the pillow was pressing against my throat and partially blocking my airway. When I woke up I was able to cough forcefully and take some deep breaths. Ya’ll know I immediately started thanking God for my guardian angel who I know was watching over me. I’m so glad that I generally ask for God’s protection while I’m sleep (actually I ask for it at all times)!
You may be asking; “Karla, What in the world does that have to do with God sending you a message?” Honey, I’m glad you asked! The 3 messages I received are:
1) I realize the enemy of my soul (Satan) was ONCE AGAIN trying to take my life and silence my voice because of some decisions I have made. I have set the intention to walk fully in my purpose to use the gifts, talents, and skills that God has given me (including my voice) to encourage, empower, and equip individuals to take control of their health and well-being and create lives of holistic wellness,abundance, and joy according to God’s design.
2) Sometimes I am guilty of silencing my own voice when I let fear and doubt creep in regarding my purpose and God’s plan for my life. I have been trying to “play it safe” by sticking to what is familiar as it relates to my career. I learned that while I trust God to some degree, I’m still trying to be in control of things, so perhaps I’m not trusting God completely the way I want to and the way He desires. (This is painful to admit because I’m always encouraging others to trust God and I mean it when I say it). I’m learning to let God’s perfect love cast out all my fear.
3) If I don’t go ahead and use what God has given me to bless others, myself, and glorify Him in the way He has uniquely designed for me, then He may take the opportunities from me. (Like in the biblical parable of the man with the one talent who buried it – it was subsequently given to the man with five talents whose efforts doubled to ten). I surely don’t want to lose my gifts because of not using them.
The messages struck home with me. A couple of years ago I was inspired to start CROWN TO SOLE Wellness in order to encourage, empower, and equip others to create lifestyles of holistic wellness, abundance, and joy. I have seen God do some great things so far but I know that He has far greater things in store. One of my problems has been my need to see how everything is supposed to turn out. I want to know all the answers before leaping. And of course, I’m thinking about the “economics” of my situation (my family’s finances). However, I am continually reminded of who God is and that I am His daughter. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills (and the hills too) and He has promised to supply all of my needs according to His riches in glory.
For the past two years I have been taking baby steps with this business because I felt the need to help make sure my family “stays afloat financially”. But I knew in my heart that my “day job” as a State Agency Medical Consultant for the State of TN had become my “side hustle” even though that is where I was spending more of my time. CROWN TO SOLE Wellness is where my heart is and where my passion lies. It is the “other baby” God has given to me and I have to trust Him to help me nurture it and let it fly. God told me through a dream (as well as through some other recent experiences) that it is time to LEAP. The “T”, in the center of CROWN TO SOLE stands for “Trust in God”. So, I’m leaping and trusting God to keep me.
I encourage you to trust Him as well for whatever situations you may be facing. Proverbs 3:5,6 states; “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” Don’t let the enemy steal your joy. Allow God to use what He has given you to bless someone else and fulfill your purpose.
But that’s not all y’all. One of the “O’s” in CROWN TO SOLE stands for “Others”. We are not in this life alone. It’s fulfilling to assist others when we can. It can also be beneficial to enlist the help of others when we are in need. I’m putting it out there and trying to walk my talk by asking for your help.
For the next few months I am focusing on taking the transformational speaking aspects of my business to a higher level so that I can help more people reverse some of their chronic illnesses and create lives of holistic wellness. I have already started scaling down my State Medical Consultant hours so that I can have more room in my schedule for CROWN TO SOLE Wellness.
Here’s what I need from you:
1) Some of you are in positions at your churches, women’s organizations, sororities, health groups, civic organizations, or workplaces and you have need to hire an uplifing speaker to motivate your audience as it relates to their health and well being. Please contact me so we can determine if I may be the one you need to make your event great. Click here to Hire Dr. Karla to Speak
2) You may know someone who needs to hire an uplifing, transformational speaker for their event. Please pass along my information to them so that we can determine how I may assist them.
3) Please keep me, my family and CROWN TO SOLE Wellness in prayer!
I’m LEAPING y’all! Looking forward to hearing from you real soon!
Click here to learn more about hiring Dr. Karla to speak. Connect with me and let me know what some of your dreams are and if God has ever spoken to you through a dream!
Woke up at 4 am. Could not sleep. And of course, I opened my Facebook , and now I’m reading your message at 4 in the morning. I am greatly inspired by your message! I know God reaches out to us in dreams and at other times you get this Aha! Moment! You know when something just opens up and reveals it self to you! It’s said best in that song ” God is trying to tell you something” So , Karla, I am with you! When you take that leap of faith, it’s just so so encouraging to others! I stand with you in your endeavors! I pray with you, and pray some day to be a witness to what you want to share . I’m very thankful for Crown to Soul Wellness ! Something that I need right now!!!
Thanks Anita!
I still believe that we are spoken to in dreams, provided we are open enough (spiritually), to receive and interpret the message. I often have “dreams” that provide powerful messages, that I use to help guide my life, as well as those that I come in contact with. I firmly claim the Scripture of Jer. 1:5.
Wayne, Thanks for that scripture reference.
Thank you for sharing God’s vision for you with us. Praying you will learn to trust him more and that he greatly enlarges your territory and new business. Blessings.
Thanks Harolyn!
Thank you Karla for being the true sister & friend you have been an inspiration. Who been with me thru my test but we no God is going to give us double for our test & trials love you. Ask, Seek, & KNOCK.
Yes Amy. Truly God will supply all our needs according to His riches in Glory!