Transform your lifestyle and Create a Life of Joy, Abundance, and Holistic Wellness

When you get serious about making positive changes in your life it’s amazing how the Divine Spirit gives you signs and opens up resources to help you accomplish your goals. I’ve seen this happen for me over and over and sometimes I am just amazed. I don’t take these encounters and happenings for granted and I’m learning to always appreciate and be grateful. It reminds me that I am loved infinitely and here for a Divine Purpose.

Recently I had the pleasure of reconnecting in person with a lady whom I have grown to love, admire, and learn so much from through the years. Donna Green-Goodman and I met many years ago before we were married, before we had children, and when we were undergraduates in college. We both went on to work in health/wellness related fields and over the years our paths have crossed at different events and conferences. Several years ago when I was Director of Health Ministries at my church Donna graciously accepted my invitation to come and deliver workshop training and cooking classes for healthy lifestyle transformation. She was so inspirational as she shared her personal testimony of her lifestyle transformation and healing from breast cancer. (You can read her story in her book, SOMETHIN’ TO SHOUT ABOUT!, which also shares some great healthful recipes.)

Fast forward to my recent encounters with Donna which really got me motivated and excited. I like to eat BUT I don’t like to cook. I also try to be very intentional about what I eat and how it is prepared. Well, Donna is a great cook and has perfected some delicious plant-based recipes. She recently hosted an online cooking class and I JOINED! I set the intention and put myself out there (and paid for the classes) so I had to follow through. I’ll have to write more about my experience with the classes soon. She had me baking Hawaiian bread, making homemade soup, vegan quiche, and more. I was so proud of myself!! (My food didn’t look at pretty as hers did but it was still good though).

About a month or so after the class I took my son for a college tour which happened to be in the same city where Donna and her husband live and operate Lifestyle Therapeutix. When Donna found out I would be in town she invited me to her live monthly cooking demonstration and class. What a blessing and privilege that was for me. Now, I’m still not crazy about cooking, but Donna’s coaching and encouragement have motivated me to do it more often and equipped me with some great resources to assist me. (Featured image above is of me with my cooking instructor and coach, Donna)

Sometimes we have desires to make some changes to improve our lives but we need some assistance in the form of coaching, mentoring, and accountability. That was the assistance I received from Donna. Yeah, I could have probably done it on my own, but the truth of the matter is that I have A WHOLE LOT OF COOKBOOKS but they have just been sitting unopened for years. When I decided I was going to move forward with cooking more, I was able to follow through after I got a little assistance from someone who was able and willing to help me.

Perhaps you want and need to make some lifestyle changes for your health and wellness. You may even know what to do in theory BUT you are stuck in the same old pattern. If that sounds like you and you are ready to get “unstuck”, then I invite you to let me assist you. Please schedule a Free 30 minute discovery call with me so that we can determine if I am the one you need to coach and mentor you through your healthy lifestyle transformation with encouragement, accountability and trustworthy resources. CLICK HERE NOW to schedule your discovery call to determine if my Private 12 Week Wellness Lifestyle Transformation Coaching Program is right for you! I hope to hear from you soon!!

P.S. If you haven’t already done so, go ahead and download my FREE CROWN TO SOLE Wellness Action Guide (11 steps to a Healthier You).

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